Morgan Services Group Corp

Leaders in the demolition industry in New York City

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5 Steps for Flood Demolition

Recovering from a devastating flood can be a tough and confusing experience emotionally and financially. While determining what stays, goes, and what can or cannot be restored is a job for the experts, knowing what to expect throughout the process and keeping informed is the best thing you can do for you, your family, and your home or place of business.

Step 1: Contact Insurance Provider

Those with flood insurance should immediately contact their provider following a flood. The company will send a trained professional out to access damages, take pictures for claims, and give advice on what steps to take moving forward. Those without flood insurance can attempt to file a claim with their home or renter’s insurance provider, but the likelihood of a flood being covered is low.

Step 2: Initial Cleanup

After a professional has assessed what is and is not salvageable, homeowners can begin a great amount of the cleanup themselves. Throw out any food, wooden items, rugs, mattresses, upholstered furniture, utensils, and baby items that have come in contact with flood water.

Step 3: Mold Prevention

Mold often forms when damp environments and fungus coincide. Working with and around mold can be hazardous for health reasons, making it a job for professionals and professionals only. When seeking out a team for this, be sure to find one that specializes in flood damage specifically.

Your demo team should prep the space by ensuring that everything has been thoroughly dried. They will do this by running large, powerful flood fans, dehumidifiers, and even water extraction machines if necessary.

Step 4: Demo

At this stage the demolition team will assess how high up the damage is on the walls, and begin tearing down the affected areas along with any flooring that is unsalvageable. This type of demolition is often referred to as an emergency demolition, as ensuring structural safety and mold prevention is a hazardous race against the clock.

Step 5: Final Cleanup

One your demolition team has adequately removed any walls, flooring, and woodwork that was damaged, they will begin cleaning and removing the debris from your property. You can trust that licensed and insured demolition companies will be sure to properly dispose of all trash, including any hazardous materials there may be.

Final Thoughts

While floods can have undeniably devastating consequences, best outcomes can be achieved when you act fast and hire the right demolition team for the job. Those with residential or commercial flooding in New York can rest easy when working with Morgan Services Group. For over twenty years, we have completed all types of interior and exterior demolitions, including those for flood damages.

Hazardous Materials in Demolition

Demolition is no easy task and often times, workers face a wide variety of safety issues and risks. This includes hazardous materials found in buildings that may pose a threat if not handled properly. While demolition waste is mostly a mixture of building materials, a large portion of these can be contaminated with things like lead paints or asbestos. In this month’s blog, we will discuss and identify types of hazardous materials that are often present on a demolition site.

Types of Hazardous Materials

There are a number of things commonly encountered in buildings before a demolition. Many of these contain components or chemicals that are dangerous to human health and the environment. Here are some hazardous materials that may be present but are not limited to:

  • Materials containing asbestos
  • Lead paint
  • Mercury found in thermostats, silent light switches, etc.
  • Batteries
  • Oil and fuels
  • Compressed gases
  • Arsenic
  • Chemicals, pesticides, etc.
  • Electronics
  • Lighting ballasts
  • Fluorescent light bulbs

Conducting a Safe Demolition

A safe demolition involves doing a thorough inspection and removing all hazardous materials before the actual take down. When a demolition occurs without properly removing any hazards, these toxic chemicals will be released into the atmosphere, soil, or even the water supply and lead to several health risks. The project manager or demolition contractor is responsible for inspecting the building and identifying any potential risks prior to demolition. Not only will this prevent toxins from entering the environment, but it will also keep the other workers safe. This is extremely vital because it will be very difficult or impossible to separate hazardous materials after the building is demolished.

It is also important to remove the waste in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner. This includes working with recycling facilities to repurpose, recycle, and resell materials. A proper disposal of hazardous materials will prevent it from contaminating the environment.


Here at Morgan Services Group, we always prioritize safety first. All of our demolition projects are conducted in a regulated and organized manner to ensure everyone’s safety on site. If you require a demolition service, our fully-licensed contractors are here to take on any task no matter how big or small. To learn more, visit our website or call 1-855-800-DEMO (3366) for any inquiries.

What is OSHA Compliant?

            What is the difference between a dependable construction company and an undependable construction company? A reliable and professional construction and demolition company abide according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and laws. Being compliant with OSHA means adhering to all applicable codes, which keeps the workplace safe and reduces the number of illnesses or injuries to people. In this blog, we will list the requirements and regulations that are OSHA compliant.

What is OSHA?

According to, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure workers’ safe and healthful working conditions. OSHA ensures enforcing specific standards by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance. Without OSHA, the workspace will be hazardous for anybody.

OSHA Compliant

The standards and regulations need to be followed indefinitely by any sector or business. Here are a few requirements and rules that need following:

  1. An employer must be responsible for a workplace that is free from severe threats as recognized by OSHA and effectively observes with standards, rules, and regulations that the OSH Act has issued.
  2. Supplying workers with personal protective equipment (PPE) (at no cost to the worker) measures and offers appropriate protection.
  3. Utilizing color codes, safety signs, labels, and posters, to prepared workers for possible hazards.
  4. Having tools and equipment in the facility that are safe and properly preserved.
  5. Setting up the official OSHA poster in a noticeable space within the workplace to guarantee employees comprehend their rights to a safe workplace.
  6. According to whistleblower protections, managers and companies cannot get revenge, penalize, or discriminate against employees who file complaints against them.
  7. After an inspection with a compliant OSHA officer, businesses must immediately fix the violations found promptly.
  8. As soon as citations are handed out from OSHA inspectors, employers must post the citations at or around the violated working space.
  9. Employees have the right to freedom to look at the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, including poisoning and accidents.
  10. Welfare and safety training is mandatory and needs to be in languages and vocabulary that employees can apprehend.
  11. Improve, execute, and create working procedures and effectually verbally connecting the requirements and regulations to workers.

Researching OSHA

            It is crucial to research, comprehend, and comply with all the operational procedures related to PPE, safety signs, and communication of hazards. Some examples of adhering to OSHA regulations and techniques can be buying new hard hats, posting traffic cones around the site, and putting hazard signs for dangerous chemicals.

Final Thoughts

            Adhering to OSHA can help prevent any dangerous accidents that might occur upon a worker. Whether it’s in a restaurant, office, or construction site, employers and employees should follow the proper work safety procedures. Morgan Services Group Corp is OSHA compliant and specializes in residential and commercial construction projects. If you need an OSHA-compliant construction company for your next project, contact us at our website. 

How to Reduce Waste in a Demolition Project

When it comes to demolition, the goal is to get rid of a building or structure that is far too old and damaged or inhabitable due to fire and flood disasters, health concerns, and so on. However, for demolition projects that involve a partial or total removal of a structure to accommodate a new building, most materials can be salvaged as long as they aren’t too old or damaged. By properly stripping down a building for materials and components, it can greatly reduce waste from ending up in landfills. In this month’s blog, we will discuss steps on how to successfully salvage materials and make a demolition project more environmentally friendly.

Identify Salvageable Materials

The first step is to identify any materials that can be sold or are recyclable and reusable. Most salvageable materials include:

  • Timber
  • Concrete
  • Bricks
  • Roof tiles
  • Steel and metal parts
  • Gravel and sand
  • Plants and greenery

As long as these components are mostly intact and not damaged, they can be repurposed for a different project. For example, large pieces of timber can be cut down for smaller constructs. Scrapped wood can also be chipped and used as mulch. Another example would be reusing concrete to greatly minimize waste and prevent it from being dumped into landfills. It has great versatility and can be pulverized through processing equipment to a more refined state. It can then be used as an effective material for drainage systems, gravel driveways, and even new concrete. These are great environmentally friendly efforts that will help the overall reduction in production waste. After identifying and noting what materials are able to be saved, you can then begin focusing on inspection and planning out your demolition. 

Full Inspection

Before executing any demolition plans, make sure to do a full and thorough inspection around the job site. During this evaluation, you can let your team know which parts and material components can be salvaged. Even though not everything can be saved, this is a good opportunity to try to salvage as much as possible and plan your demolition around it.

Deconstruction before Demolition

Orchestrating a deconstruction tear down in applicable areas will make salvaging materials much easier while keeping them intact. This includes plumbing fixtures, tiles, large pieces of lumber, and metal. Not only will this reduce waste but it can also save money if you end up reselling these materials for reuse. Even though deconstruction may take longer, it is more environmentally friendly because it reduces the amount of dust and debris released. After you and your team have successfully deconstructed and salvaged as much as possible, you can proceed with demolishing areas that are unsalvageable.

If you are unable to deconstruct due to time restraints, demolishing buildings in sections instead of all at once will help prevent the salvageable materials from being completely destroyed.

Reuse and Recycle

After deconstructing and demolishing, your materials should be sorted out. The more organized you are in sorting will make it easier to handle and transport the materials towards the end of the project. Remember to properly store your materials to prevent damage and deterioration. For example, it’s beneficial to protect them from the rain so you can prevent wood from rotting and metal from rusting.

Try to reuse what you can or resell it to an organization that can make use of it in another project. If any of the resources can’t be reused, recycling them is always a great option that works for most materials, such as wood, metal, brick, plastic, and much more. We should always be conscious on what we can do to help reduce waste from entering and destroying our environment. Not to mention, putting effort into salvaging materials is a good money-saving method where you can profit from reselling and not spending money on transporting and getting rid of the waste.


When you want a reliable demolition service, it’s best to put your trust in a company that has an amazing track record of getting things done in an efficient manner. At Morgan Services Group, we specialize in residential and commercial demolition as well as both interior and exterior demolition. We also have the necessary manpower and equipment needed for any excavation services. Learn more by visiting our website or contacting us at 1-855-800-DEMO (3366).

Mold: The Silent Intruder

Most homeowners are shocked when they figure out how much money they have to spend to fix their mold problem. The expenses can start at a couple of hundred dollars and rise to about ten thousand dollars. Long-term mold deteriorates the inside and outside of a home leading to unpredicted costs. The most common type of mold is black mold, which contaminates the air with toxic particles. In this blog, we are going to discuss the various signs of mold and what to do when it is spreading to uncontainable measures.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that grows inside and outside in damp and humid environments. They usually appear inside common household areas such as bathrooms, basements, carpets, sinks, fridges, drywall, and more. When a room is not well ventilated, mold can grow, especially in warm and humid places.  All molds can produce toxins. Black mold is the most known mold inside buildings which looks like blotchy black spots. Healthy people don’t have to usually worry about black mold making them severely sick. However, vulnerable groups with a compromised immune system, such as older adults and children, can get sick. 

Visible Signs

            As stated before, the most obvious sign of mold is the visible dark spots appearing on walls, ceilings, and other exposed surfaces.  Mold spreads to find organic material to feed on and tends to be bunched together. The first signs of mold are a slight discoloration on a surface. It may appear brownish or tan. The early stages of mold are challenging to figure out sometimes because it looks like dirt or dust. Toilets, sinks, HVAC vents, and laundry rooms are the first places where mold begins. It can also grow behind wallpapers. It is crucial to check areas where humidity and moisture are present constantly.

Musty Odors

            Musty or mildew smells are a quick indicator that mold is infesting the environment. The smell can lead you to spot the contaminated area. However, if you can’t find it, then it does not mean it is not there. Also, if you transfer your clothes to the dryer and start to smell bad after leaving them for a few hours, it is an indicator of numerous spores in the air.

Rotten Food

            Food spoiling quickly is another signal that mold is present. It does not matter where you bought your food; if it spoils within two days, many mold spores fly into the atmosphere. It is best to check and throw away any foods that have presented mold to taint any other foods.

Health Issues

            A few people are more sensitive to mold than people with lung disease, specific mold allergies, and low immune systems. Here are some signs to reveal if a person has mold sensitivity:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Labored breathing or asthma
  • Rashes or skin irritability
  • Red, itchy eyes

Most of these symptoms are common among people, and doctors cannot always know if it is a mold issue. Doctors will assume it is a common cold or the flu. If the symptoms don’t go away for a while, they will consider environmental factors.

Defend your home

            The best way to defend your home is to always check for visible signs and smells. Immediately clean the infected area with bleach to remove the mold. Also, keep humid areas dry as possible to reduce the growth of mold. Fixing any leaking pipes or surfaces can help as well. If the mold is overwhelmingly spreading, it is always best to hire a professional.


            Mold can be a health risk to people who are sensitive to it. We highly recommend that you check for indicators of mold such as black spots, musty odors, spoiled foods, and health symptoms to prevent any further contamination. However, there are times when mold is so harmful that it causes a home to be uninhabitable. The demolition experts at Morgan Services Group can help you demolish the areas of high exposure. We specialize in residential and commercial demolitions. With over 20 years of experience, we know how to carefully remove structural parts of your home from the silent intruder properly. Visit our website for more information about our services.

Stairwell Demolitions

Reasons for demolishing existing staircases and stairwells can vary from cosmetic to safety and ensuring the building is up to code. Property owners considering a stairwell demolition should ensure it’s worth the work, know how to prepare the space, and know who to hire for professional help along the way. Follow along this month as we dive into the ins and outs of stairwell demolitions for residential and commercial buildings.

Is it Worth It?

Oftentimes the bottom line in deciding if investing in a new staircase is worth it comes down to health and safety reasons. If the staircase is structurally unsafe, contains asbestos, or was not built to code there’s no avoiding a demolition or major renovation. If the reason for demolition is for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons the major factors to then consider are your budget, timeline, and level of understanding about construction and demolition; or lack thereof.

Prepping the Space

You can save yourself valuable time and money in the long haul by thoroughly preparing your space for demolition ahead of time. Prepping the space can involve removing the non-weight bearing parts such as the posts, railings, carpeting, tackless strips, and treads. This will ensure that when your demolition team arrives they will be able to get the job done in no time.

Hire a Demolition Contractor

There are many complex tasks and factors associated with interior demolitions such as identifying load baring structures, methods of removing material, proper ventilation, noise pollution and infection control. Unfortunately, unless you’re a certified demolition contractor you are going to need to hire additional professional help to legally complete this process. When you hire a professional demolition team you are investing in their industry experience and fully licensed and insured services too.

Final Thoughts

Whether your unsafe or unsightly staircase is located in a home or commercial business, the demolition experts at Morgan Services Group are here to help you. For many years we have provided countless NYC residents with safe, affordable, and reliable interior and exterior demolition services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Visit our website or call us at (855) 800-DEMO for your free estimate!

Demolition Facts You May Not Know About

The general public has some knowledge about the demolition industry, but they do not know everything that demolition entails. If you were to speak to a professional contractor, they would tell you that there are many factors to consider, such a minimizing waste during and after a project or the careful preservation of a historical building. Learn more about the real facts of demolition in our blog.

Minimize Waste

There is the misconception that landfills are full of materials and waste from a demolition. However, a lot of the focus during a demo project is recycling those materials. This is to prevent waste of materials and landfill usage. Behind the scenes, the average person doesn’t see the meticulous thought and detail that goes into planning a demolition, including minimizing waste.


Knocking down a building isn’t always the goal in a demolition. Many demolition companies are called to handle historical preservation, which involves extensive planning and preparation. This type of project may require walls, floors, and other materials to be removed. However, the outside of the building must stay intact. Contractors must look at the physical condition, mandated code requirements, and other factors.


Some may think that demolishing a building is an expensive part of a construction project, but that’s not actually true. With the demolition phase, many owners are able to break even on demolition costs or even turn a profit on a project. Also, depending on the size of the structure and the condition it’s in, demoing a building can be more cost-efficient than making major upgrades.


Morgan Services Group is a leading demolition company in NYC that handles demolition and excavation projects for a commercial clientele. With over 20 years in the industry, we have what it takes to complete your project on time, every time. Contact us at 1-855-800-DEMO (3366) for a free quote today!

A Pre-Demolition Check List

Demolition is a crucial element to rebuilding and refurbishing existing structures. The demolition process itself is incredibly complex which is why proper preparation needs to be a top priority every single time. Below we discuss five steps that need to be taken before a demolition can safely begin.


Site surveying is an early process that will take into consideration the desired construction materials, methods for construction, any potential obstacles, and many other components of the upcoming build.

Dangerous Chemicals

Many older structures were initially constructed using harmful substances and chemicals such as lead and asbestos. An expert must inspect the building prior to demolition to ensure that necessary safety protocols will be taken if dangerous chemicals are indeed detected.


Many counties across the country require a rodent inspection prior to beginning the demolition process. This is to ensure that there is not an infestation present that could potentially flee to neighboring properties following the demolition. An active pest infestation needs to be treated with the necessary chemicals and traps before demolition can continue.

Acquire Permits

Any project requiring a demolition will also require the acquisition of necessary permits but the exact processes and permits needed will vary by county and state. Those in the state of New York will need to submit their requests and payment to the DOB (Department of Buildings) who offers both online and in-person services.


Before a safe demolition can begin, all utilities on the property that are still in service must be disconnected. These include the water, electricity, and most importantly gas. Turning these utilities off prior to demolition is absolutely crucial when it comes to preventing injury and fire.

Final Thoughts

While the demolition process itself can be astonishingly intricate, a great demolition team will have the knowledge and skills needed to ensure every property is prepped properly. Whether you need a complete, partial, interior, or exterior demolition, the experts at Morgan Services Group are the leading provider of demolition and excavation services in the NYC community. Visit our website or call us at +1 855 800 DEMO (3366) to get started or for more information!

4 Signs You Need Concrete Demolition

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When there are sunken slabs and deep cracks forming in concrete, these signs are indicating that a concrete demolition may be in your future. Although concrete is meant to be durable and long lasting, this hardened mixture is still prone to cracking. The wear and tear of your concrete can depend on a number of factors, such as moisture and temperature. Continue reading to learn about which signs you should look for when it’s time for a concrete demo.

1. Sunken Slabs

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Poor sub grading or wet, loose dirt can cause sunken slabs. This affects the surface of the slab, which can lead it to sink and be dangerously uneven. If this problem is not solved, it can become a hazard. With a concrete demolition, the entire slab is removed, which gives you a fresh start for reinstallation.

2. Pitting and Spalling

If there are pieces of concrete falling off, then the surface is pitting or spalling. This is mainly due to freezing and thawing of the concrete, which can happen during New York City’s cold winters. Poor insulation may also be a culprit. However, when spalling becomes widespread, it’s best to have concrete demolition done to prep for a replacement.

3. Deep Cracking

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Cracking shouldn’t be a concern for the most part. Yet, deep cracks that are ignored can be an issue. When cracks are not fixed, this is an easy way for moisture to seep in the spaces and cause the cracks to worsen. Concrete demolition comes into play when the severity of the concrete is exceeds a certain level.

4. Tree Roots

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Tree roots can lift portions of concrete if they have no where to go. When the root system underneath is tearing up concrete, it may be time for a demolition. The concrete demo process gets rid of the old concrete and provides accessibility for the roots to either be removed or worked around when pouring new concrete.


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When it comes to concrete demolition, you can expect professional results with Morgan Services Group. We offer reliable demolition services for buildings and properties across New York City. Let us coordinate your demolition project today – give us a call at +1 855 800 DEMO (3366)!

Home Extension Projects: Who to Hire for Help

There are countless reasons why homeowners choose to invest in extending their homes. A successful addition to any type of building requires help from a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts. In this month’s blog post we discuss the four professionals that are crucial to have on your team when beginning a home extension project.


A demolition expeditor, also known as the filing representative, has many responsibilities involving the steady flow of progress on a home extension project. From advising the correct type of filing, working with various city agencies to submitting drawings and applications, an expeditor is an asset you will not want to build without.

Great expediting services will ensure your build is completed on time, to code, and for less money. Morgan Services Group offers expediting services to streamline your project!

Interior Demolition Service

Once you’ve acquired the appropriate permits you can finally move forward to the most exciting step, the interior demolition. An interior demolition ultimately works to remove all non-structural components within the area of the home you wish to extend.

Interior demolition services are cost effective, quick, and perfect for removing unnecessary walls, flooring, ceilings, stairs or any other items in the way of your build. Morgan Services Group offers debris cleanup and daily removal from all our sites.


Once the old and unwanted components of your home are hauled away, an excavator will come in to ensure that the foundation below where your new structure will be built is structurally sound. This will include digging trenches, ensuring the ground is level, removing contaminated soil, and many other tasks to prepare the site for construction.

Building Contractor

Your building contractor will work with you through your entire home extension project from helping you acquire your desired materials to ensuring that the extension is built to health, safety, and legal standards.

A building contractor should also make sure that the entire project complies with all the specifications outlined in the contract established at the beginning of the project.


A home extension that’s built and managed properly can add an incredible amount of value and joy to any home. In big cities especially such as New York City, property owners are finding that building home extensions is the best way to affordably acquire significantly more living space and add property value.

Morgan Services Group Corp is NYC’s one stop shop for residential and commercial expediting, excavation, and demolition services. Visit our website here for more information.

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