Morgan Services Group Corp

Leaders in the demolition industry in New York City

Tag: demolition (page 4 of 4)

Hydraulic Excavator 101

An excavator is often seen on demolition sites throughout NYC. Upon a cursory look, the hydraulic excavator resembles something out of a fantastical dream; with a slow speed, twisty movements, and a sauropod-esque stature, this beast of a machine can seem like an eccentric jumble of parts. However, this very combination is what enables the whole structure to work and achieve great feats. Below are some of the highlights this structure has to offer.

Boom and Bucket

If the excavator were a long-necked dinosaur, the bucket would be akin to the “head” of the beast, and the rest of this part the “neck.” The bucket is prominently bulky, and perfectly suited for scooping up heavy objects. Famous for being a popularizer of the bucket wrist and its rotational movement, the Gradall excavator was one of the earliest excavators to attempt to make the bucket’s rotation simulate the movements of a human hand. In various cases, the bucket may be switched out with an auger, grapple, or a breaker.


Connected to the boom via the boom cylinder, the cab is the centerpiece of the excavator. The cab allows a driver to hop into the driver’s seat and operate the machine. Protected by a windshield and a door, the driver then only needs to move his or her fingers dexterously to achieve the desired excavation. The first excavator to feature the 360-degree continuous swing emerged at the German firm Demag in 1954. This hydraulic, crawler-mounted machine served as the model for years to come. Today, it’s standard practice for all machines!


The shoe is the foundational platform of an excavator. Located below the cab, this part is crucial for helping the machine roam smoothly across rugged terrain. Often, the shoe covers a track chain, which is prompted by top rollers and bottom rollers, which are in turn put to motion by the sprocket and the idlers. An oval track drive allows the track to loosen when moving in reverse, whereas a high-drive track drive (introduced in the 1970s) allows the track to tighten between the two idlers, making for sleeker contact between the ground and the track. The credit goes to the elevated sprocket, which is what makes the high-drive track drive form a triangular shape instead of an oval.


The parts of an excavator are numerous. Reflecting on those other parts of the beast can help us better appreciate the fascinating technology that is excavation. After all, over history, these nerd-outs are how many made improvements to their methods. To see an excavator in action and learn more about our excavation services, simply reach out to Morgan Services Group Corp!

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Demolition

When you visualize demolition, there’s a good chance that you see people smashing things up with sledgehammers or wrecking balls pulverizing a structure. It’s a common misconception that demolition is a free-for-all of destruction. There are a number of other myths that surround demolition, which is what we’re going to discuss in this article. If you want to learn how demolition is actually done, read on.

Myth 1: Demolition is crude and chaotic.

Like we mentioned above, many people think than demolition is a frenzy of total destruction, however that is a misconception. The fact is that demolition crews must plan their actions carefully. No matter the type of building, there are structural features that need to be left intact so that it doesn’t collapse on top of the crew while they’re inside. Also, there are often parts of the house or building that the owner wants to maintain, so the crew has to be careful not to damage those parts. For those reasons, demolition is always carefully planned, orchestrated and conducted in phases.

Myth 2: We blow stuff up.

Technically, this is a fact, but it doesn’t work the way that a lot of people think it does. The footage that you’ve probably seen of old hotels and arenas being blown up show the technique of controlled building implosion. Explosives are placed in strategic areas inside of the building so that the building collapses quickly and with minimal debris or damage to other structures surrounding it. This type of demolition is not as common as television makes it seem.

Myth 3: Demolition Harms the Environment

Some sources claim that demolition is harmful to the environment. After all, shouldn’t we try to use existing structures as much as possible instead of using resources to build something new? Wrong. Many buildings from earlier eras were constructed using materials that are harmful to the environment and to your health, such as asbestos. Also, older structures and houses can use more energy because they are harder to keep cool or warm. In addition, demolition is highly regulated so that hazardous materials are removed safely. Salvageable materials are also sent to be recycled or reused. New, more energy-efficient structures are put up which can be used by future generations.


Here are the main ideas we hope you take away: First, demolition is not done by people blindly taking their anger out on inanimate objects. Second, it also rarely involves explosives, though when it does, it’s done with careful planning. Finally, demolition is not a wasteful practice that negatively impacts the environment. We hope this has cleared up some of your misunderstandings and that the next time you need demolition services, you’ll call the professionals at Morgan Services Group.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Demolition Crew

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating your existing property, a time will come where you will need a house demolition. When it comes to breaking concrete, it is no easy task. You need the expert help of a professional by your side who has the high quality equipment needed to complete the job quickly and efficiently.

While it may be an easy task for you to remove a large shed on your own, it’s not so simple for demolition jobs such as pools, existing homes, mobile homes, and other more complex structures. There are many benefits to hiring a professional, here are just a few.

Health and Safety

With a professional demolition crew, they will first perform an assessment of the structure. This is to establish any and all risks that the structure may have. When it comes to older buildings, they may have fallen to disrepair. This can lead to weak walls and damaged roof structures that can be dangerous to handle yourself. If the demolition crew detect any weakness or other issues in the structure, they will build scaffolding within the building while they perform the demolition work section by section.

Insurance Coverage

When you work with a fully certified demolition crew you know they will have full insurance coverage. What this means for you is if anything were to go wrong during the demolition process on your land, you will not have to face a larger cost or legal fees. As a citizen with no construction experience, it is unlikely that you would be able to acquire insurance of the same level on your own.

Professional Training

When you work with a professional demolition crew, you know they are trained to the highest standard. Since you are not professionally trained, you will not know how to use jackhammers, concrete grinders, explosives, and heavy equipment. Trained professionals, on the other hand, will be trained to use each of these pieces of equipment.

Before any job, a demolition crew will always asses the building to see if it contains any hazardous material such as asbestos. When it has been located, the crew will remove it and start the demolition. Not only that, but the crew will also strip the building of any wood, metal, or any other materials that can be recycled.

If you would like to find out more about the many benefits of using a professional demolition service, get in touch with one today.

5 Reasons Why DIY Demolition is a Bad Idea

You’ve probably seen home demolition being done on your favorite home renovation show. Maybe you’ve thought to yourself that it’s something you could do to your own home. After all, who doesn’t love smashing things? Unfortunately, there are few reasons why you should think again when it comes to DIY demolition. We’ll explain some of them in this blog post.

1. It’s hazardous.

This is probably the most obvious reason, and one that we really can’t stress enough. Many homes that were built more than 30 years ago contain asbestos in the walls and ceiling, which is a natural mineral that can cause cancer. Exposure is hazardous to your health; even in small amounts. Older homes can also have lead paint, which is another source of concern for your health. There is also the danger of inhaling silica dust.  Studies conducted on the effects of Silica exposure is linked to chronic bronchitis, silicosis and even lung cancer. You also risk injury to yourself and others from glass shards and other dangerous falling materials.

2. You probably don’t have the right tools.

Doing a home demolition job requires more than just a sledgehammer from the hardware store. Demolition teams and contractors have professional-grade tools that they use to prevent damage in parts of the house that needs to be maintained. If you start hitting things with a regular hammer, you could end up destroying something unintentionally and generally create more work for yourself. That also brings us to our next point.

3. You may end up damaging your home.

It’s not hard to get carried away when doing demolition on your own. Imagine busting an important pipe or destroying a wall that you wanted to keep. These are just a couple of possibilities that could have extremely expensive consequences. However, demolition experts usually know how to avoid these problems.

4. DIY demolition can take a long time.

Depending on the size of the project, you could end up spending several days trying to do the demolition on your own. During that time you’ll be sore, tired, dirty, and probably pretty frustrated. That’s usually reason enough for someone to avoid DIY demolition.

5. Old houses are full of surprises.

Unfortunately, we don’t mean the fun kind of surprises. We’re talking about the kind of surprises that are problematic and costly. Do you know how to identify a cracked foundation or bad wiring? Probably not, and neglecting problems like that during demolition and remodeling can lead to major catastrophes. Contractors will usually recognize those types of things when they see them, allowing you to fix them.


As you can see, doing a DIY demolition comes with a great number of risks to your home, your health, and your wallet. You may think you’re saving money by doing it yourself, but you’ll feel differently when things go wrong.

Do yourself a favor and contact the demolition experts at Morgan Services Group Corp when it’s time to do a demolition.


3 Good Reasons to Get Rid of Your Pool

Buying a pool might’ve seemed like a great idea at the time; maybe you dreamed of lounging in it during the summertime or pool parties for your kids. However, you’re becoming more and more irritated with the pool rather than enjoying it. If you are experiencing these three issues, it may be time to call in the experts to remove your pool.

Man standing at the edge of a pool full of money.

Man standing at the edge of a pool full of money.

You Don’t Use it As Often Anymore

Whether it’s due to your kids growing up and leaving for college, or even the weather not being as warm as you thought it would be, your pool isn’t seeing as much use as it had previously. When the pool begins to simply sit there like a hole in the ground filled with water and not serve as the cooling and refreshing way to beat the summer heat anymore, it might be time to get rid of your pool.


Money, Money, Money

Your pool has become a money pit. It seems to have more money invested in it than the amount of water it can hold. Repairs, maintenance, and other expensive costs of pool ownership can begin to eat away at your finances until you feel like there’s no end to it. If you want to start saving money for other things instead of your pool, then it could be time to ditch it and start saving.


Pool in the middle of demolition.

Pool in the middle of demolition.

Using the Space for Something Else

No matter how you look at it, a pool can take up a lot of space, and interests change as time progresses. When you’re considering taking up gardening or something else that your backyard can be used for, it may be worth considering switching out your pool for that other hobby.



No matter your reasoning for getting the pool in the first place, keeping it for the long run might not be ideal. Whether you want to use the space for something else or simply can’t afford to keep up with the constant monetary demands of a pool, it may be time to call the experts in for a consultation.

Why Is Partial Demolition Necessary?

First off, what is partial demolition? The 2014 NYC Building Code defines it as “The dismantling, razing, or removal of structural members, floors, interior bearing walls, and/or exterior walls or portions thereof, including all operations incidental thereto.” Instead of tearing down the entire structure, only selective parts are removed. For any demolition project, it’s important to plan first to avoid negative impacts. In our blog, we’re going to discuss why partial demolition is necessary and the precautions attached to it.

When It’s Needed

If there’s a room that needs expansion, that’s when partial demolition comes in. A wall that divides two rooms will be cleared and new walls will spring up for stability. Building extensions offer another reason as to why only partial demolition is required. By removing exterior walls and melding together old and new parts of a building, this type of demolition will allow for a smooth result. Upgrades or modifications to a building, as well as projects to improve or fix plumbing defects, are additional examples when utilizing partial demolition.


Partial removal is trickier because you need to provide support to the rest of the structure, you don’t want to remove a load bearing wall and certain equipment might not be applicable as well, so it’s best to consult a professional to plan out the best roadmap. With careful planning and engineering, ramifications will be avoided and the structure’s integrity won’t be harmed. The purpose of partial demolition is to keep certain parts of the structure intact while improving or expanding one area, so the whole building must be kept under close observation.


At times, a full demolition is needed, but when you don’t want your project to start from the ground up, then partial demolition is your best option. Communicating closely with a team of professional engineers is vital to the success of the project. Any mishaps could create detrimental effects on the structure, so it’s always recommended to carefully plan ahead weeks in advance. Contact your local demolition company for more insight on a project that you’d like to carry out.

Interior and Exterior Demolition

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of a construction project is the demolition. When it comes to home renovation, the planning and demo are often skipped over to get to the final result. But as a demolition company, we know just how important this step is and want to take a few moments to place the spotlight on interior and exterior demolition.

Interior Demolition

Interior demolition normally occurs in preparation for renovations within a structure. This means that the structure itself does not get demolished but rather the inside of it is torn out and gutted. Such aspects that are often removed during an interior demolition include walls, floors, the ceiling, as well as any damaged or unnecessary utility work. Often times, interior demolition occurs after a building has been damaged by fire or extreme weather. In such cases, our team will handle the demolition with the state and federal regulations in mind to ensure that everything is completed to the highest standard and, of course, to your liking.

Exterior Demolition

Anything outside of your home that you would like removed would be considered exterior demolition. This includes outer walls, patios, pools, tool sheds, and so on. Many times, new businesses will skin and dismantle the exterior components of their building to give it new life; this includes removing the façade, doors, windows, columns, and other features while leaving the skeletal structure intact.


Whether your project requires exterior or interior demolition, it is important to remember that it is not a do-it-yourself kind of deal. Demolition requires an abundance of tools and knowledge that only trained professionals can bring to the table. Although it may sound fun to take a hammer or ax to an old wall, one must be extremely aware of the structural logistics to not cause damage to the home itself or other aspects of the fixture that you did not plan on demolishing. There also remains other safety hazards to consider, such as correct safety gear, electrical wiring, fire hazards, mold, and so forth.


Now that you know a little bit more about interior and exterior demolition, give us a call to get your big project started. Demolition is an important step in any construction project, so make sure that you get started on the right foot by hiring the assistance of a company that you can trust to get the job done right.

When to Consider Demolition

Making the choice to knock down a building shouldn’t be taken lightly. It will require time and serious consideration. With new constructions going up left and right, many may wonder when you should consider demolition. Below, we’ve compiled a list of factors that will help make the choice clear.


Many times, new buildings require as much space as possible for the purposes of construction. If pre-existing structures are located nearby, a local demolition team may be called in to remove it. Also, fire hazards from existing structures can be prevented with the help of a safe demolition process.

In regards to a residence, a weak foundation also serves as just cause for demolition. There are many factors that contribute to the weak foundation of a home such as land shifting and sinking. Problems such as this could lead to cracks in the interior and exterior walls leading to much worse issues. In an effort to be as safety conscious as possible, demolition is key.

Wear and Tear

Old buildings often contain weak foundations. For buildings that date back more than 80 years, the repairs needed to bring them up to code are very costly. In most cases, demolition is the best way to go. Historical buildings are an exception to this rule. However, if the particular building in question contains asbestos or other dangerous materials, demolition or a partial demolition may be the necessary course of action.

Selling a Vacant Lot

Selling a piece of land is a great financial decision. However, if an old and weathered building sits on top of it, it may be in your best interest to have it demolished. Buyers are more interested in vacant land than they are with fixer-upper properties.


When it comes to a demolition project, one must consider all of the factors. Is the demolition absolutely necessary? If you’ve come to the conclusion that it is, then you’ll need the assistance of a skilled and trusted demolition service. It’s strongly advised not to attempt this on your own as you may risk potential injury or worse. Do you have more insight on the topic of demolition? If so, we’d love to hear about it.

The Benefits of Demolition for Your Community

Demolition is essentially the destruction of a site, but don’t let the destruction part give you the idea that it has a negative impact. There are many benefits to the community that demolition brings to the table. You have to see demolition for what it truly is, the necessary steps towards change and growth. These projects are considered by many around the globe as an opportunity to make use of the land that was once out of place, useless, or decaying. It’s also more than just a step towards cosmetic and aesthetic changes, it helps your city in multiple ways.

Disaster Response

Think about all the natural disasters that are inevitable to happen.  We have no control over hurricane, earthquake, or tornado destruction, but we do have control over the cleanup and restoration. Demolition contractors are always there to work alongside first responders to make your city safe and grounded again.

The help of a demolition crew is vital for rescue missions during these disasters. Without the help of building experts, the rescue team could put people in danger by leading them towards a tunnel that is soon to collapse over them. With the help of hauling and clearing rubble, there is a clear path to safety!

City Development

Many institutions rely on professional demolition crews to assess structures in their planning for improvement of land or demolition sites. Their expert analysis is needed to determine whether a building is safe and what can be restored. It’s not always a happy day to see your favorite childhood building or location get removed, but with room for new development, your neighborhood will thrive with a new and safe land. Removing decayed and aged buildings lead to better cities, counties, and other government projects!

Contamination Control

On the note about improved cities without old and decayed buildings, it is true that demolition experts also inspect and remove dangerous contaminated materials. It is a key part of the demolition process to find appropriate treatment facilities and replace contaminated materials for the safe development of schools, houses, and parks.


Next time you see a sign outside of your favorite building announcing that it will be demolished, understand why the destruction could be happening. There could have been an issue with the contamination of the soil under its floors. The demolition may lead to an improved community for better establishments.

Sidewalk Maintenance: When to Repair and When to Replace

Concrete may seem like an infallible and sturdy material, but even those tough and resilient sidewalks are susceptible to damages if exposed to the right factors. And while some veterans may know better, others not as versed in proper sidewalk repair may feel the need to replace an entire slab of sidewalk before that becomes truly necessary!

So what exactly constitutes a situation that calls for repairs and a situation that demands replacement? That’s precisely what we plan to cover for you today! Read on for a few common issues residential and shared sidewalks can be notorious for and learn when the opportunity for replacement is truly necessary.

Large and Deep Cracks

An important distinction many will have to learn how to make is the difference between aesthetic damages and foundational damages. Aesthetic damages can be overlooked without jeopardizing the safety of pedestrians while foundational ones need to be addressed quickly in to prevent injury.

With that in mind, it helps to know that cracks wider than ½ an inch usually indicate a major problem with the stability of a sidewalk slab and need to be fixed quickly. It’s often recommended that slabs with these deeper cracks be replaced entirely to avoid further degradation down the road. When it comes to cracks less than ¼ inch wide, replacement can be opted against in favor of simple and more affordable repairs.

Wide Cracks

Tiny hairline cracks can usually be repaired without much consequence and without a grand scale replacement. However, extensive hairline cracks that spider web out can prove a different beast altogether. Wide-spanning cracks that start in the middle of the slab can still prove a foundational risk despite the shallow chips in concrete. In these cases, the smarter option would surely be to replace the slab outright.

Older Sidewalks

Concrete may be strong, but it’s no more resistant to the degradation that comes with time than we are. As sidewalks age and are left exposed to the elements, they can begin to lift and shift out of place, making for an uneven walking space that can easily trip up passersby. If you notice the height from one section of sidewalk to another differs by about ½ an inch or more, replacement becomes a worthwhile endeavor. You could hire a slab jack to shift the segment back into place, but that will ultimately lead to it shifting again. Your best bet may just be paying to replace now and avoiding the regularly occurring repairs in the long run.


When it comes to proper maintenance for your property’s interior and exterior, knowing what makes for worthwhile repairs and replacements can save you quite a bit of time, money, and stress! No need to become an expert! Brush up on the small tells and invest in the maintenance that actually matters.

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