Morgan Services Group Corp

Leaders in the demolition industry in New York City

Tag: backyard

5 Yard Excavation Tips

Are you planning to do major work in your backyard? The first step for installing a new garden, walkway or swimming pool is to excavate. The process of excavating involves a couple of different factors including planning for weather, having the proper equipment, and other important steps. If you need tips for excavating your yard, keep on reading!

Beware of Buried Utilities

Before you begin anything, be sure to check with the excavation regulations in your area. Depending on where you live, the state may require utility companies to mark where their gas lines are, so you don’t end up bursting a pipe or damage underground wiring. Anyone excavating the property may need to dig in different locations to expose pipes and other utilities that could be damaged.

Plan for Weather

Excavating is a big project by itself, but have you tried excavating in the rain? Plan ahead by checking your weather app. You want the most ideal weather, preferably a warmer temperature, to dig up dirt and other rubble. If your property happens to endure some rainfall, be prepared by purchasing tarps to cover the exposed area.

Clear Terrain

From large trees to rocky rubble, clearing out your property from all obstructions can make the excavation process that much easier. Remove any unwanted tree stumps, rocks or boulders, and wildlife nests from the area before excavating; by doing this, you can ensure a smoother terrain to work with. (Be sure to carefully inspect your property for animal holes and other creatures that may be hiding underneath the dirt!)

Use Proper Equipment

No matter the size of your excavation, chances are, your tool shed or garage doesn’t have the right equipment for your project. To perform a proper yard excavation, you will at least need a portable trencher and a mini-excavator in addition to a variety of other tools to help you clear and prep the landscape, excavate, and backfill where needed.

Seek Professional Assistance

After considering the above, you may simply come to terms with the fact that your backyard project could use professional help with dedicated excavation equipment and staff. If you live in the New York City area, contact the team at Morgan Services Group Corp. We can answer any questions regarding your yard excavation and get started on your project today!

3 Good Reasons to Get Rid of Your Pool

Buying a pool might’ve seemed like a great idea at the time; maybe you dreamed of lounging in it during the summertime or pool parties for your kids. However, you’re becoming more and more irritated with the pool rather than enjoying it. If you are experiencing these three issues, it may be time to call in the experts to remove your pool.

Man standing at the edge of a pool full of money.

Man standing at the edge of a pool full of money.

You Don’t Use it As Often Anymore

Whether it’s due to your kids growing up and leaving for college, or even the weather not being as warm as you thought it would be, your pool isn’t seeing as much use as it had previously. When the pool begins to simply sit there like a hole in the ground filled with water and not serve as the cooling and refreshing way to beat the summer heat anymore, it might be time to get rid of your pool.


Money, Money, Money

Your pool has become a money pit. It seems to have more money invested in it than the amount of water it can hold. Repairs, maintenance, and other expensive costs of pool ownership can begin to eat away at your finances until you feel like there’s no end to it. If you want to start saving money for other things instead of your pool, then it could be time to ditch it and start saving.


Pool in the middle of demolition.

Pool in the middle of demolition.

Using the Space for Something Else

No matter how you look at it, a pool can take up a lot of space, and interests change as time progresses. When you’re considering taking up gardening or something else that your backyard can be used for, it may be worth considering switching out your pool for that other hobby.



No matter your reasoning for getting the pool in the first place, keeping it for the long run might not be ideal. Whether you want to use the space for something else or simply can’t afford to keep up with the constant monetary demands of a pool, it may be time to call the experts in for a consultation.